Our Story
Until 1699, Brigg was only a tiny hamlet, with the Parish Church at Wrawby. As the town began to develop because of the river and increased trade, and to counteract the influence of Non-conformists, land and monies were secured to build a chapel-of-ease.
The 1699 building was smaller than the present church and was in the classical style of architecture, serving the people of Brigg until the 1840’s. As Brigg expanded a larger church was needed. The present building was erected in 1843, remaining a Chapel-of-ease until 1872 when it was made the parish church.
Today, we continue to worship God faithfully, and serve our community. As members of the Church of England, we are part of the Diocese of Lincoln, in the Archdeaconary of Stow and Lindsey and the Deanery of Yarborough.
Our Vision
To be a prayerful, God centred, vibrant and accessible Church worshipping God and serving the community of Brigg.
our prayer
Almighty God,
we pray that our church may be a place where we can encounter You,
grow together, and share Your message with our community;
May we thankfully celebrate our status as Your beloved children.
In the prayerful stillness, form and transform us by Your forgiveness and healing;
and with joyful spirits may we give ourselves in humble service to all.
This we ask in Jesus name.
Our Sister Churches
Our group is made up of five churches, each of which offer vary different things, but at the heart of each is our worship of God, or care for one another and a desire to serve our wider communities.

Saint Mary the Virgin Wrawby
Service times:
First Sunday 11.00 a.m. Joint Service with Methodists
Third Sunday 11 a.m. Parish Eucharist
Church Warden: Vacant
Safeguarding Officer
Mrs. Clare Slatter 07921 90929

All Saints Cadney-cum-Howsham
Service times:
First Sunday 11 a.m. Morning Worship (on months with no 5th Sunday)
Fifth Sunday 11 a.m. Parish Eucharist
Church Warden
Debbie Clarke 678768
Safeguarding Officer
Debbie Clarke 678768
come and see…
Anyone would be most welcome to join us at any of our services in any of the churches across the group. Why not try each of them to see which suits your needs best? Call to Action