About Oikos
The Vision
Oikos is a Greek word which literally translates to English as ‘House’ but more accurately translates as ‘Home’: a place where you can be yourself, be fed, cared for and listened to.
Oikos-Brigg is a town centre shop with a difference! A unique not-for-profit charity established so that Christians of all denominations and none can work together to provide love and practical support for local families.
We strive to be a friendly, caring community where everyone is welcome and valued.
Put simply, our vision is to support our local community and as followers of Jesus to grow together, in faith, in hope and in love.
A week in Oikos currently looks like this: –
Monday: Food Bank Packing by volunteers from 10am
Brigg AA 7pm-8.30pm
Tuesday: Prayers, 9.15am-9.45am every week
Café Fellowship, 10am-11am on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays
Community Pantry on the 3rd Tuesday of the month
Wednesday: Occasional Alpha Course, Death Café, Bible Study (please ask for details on each)
Thursday: Shop/Drop-In/School Uniforms, 10am-2pm
Friday: Shop/Drop-In/School Uniforms, 10am-2pm
Saturday: Shop/Drop-In/School Uniforms, 10am-2pm
Mens breakfast meets at Wetherspoons at 8.30am followed by discussion at Oikos c. 9.30am every third week. (Please ask for details)
You can stay up to date with all existing and new information, news and projects on our Facebooks:
@OikosBriggCharity and BriggFoodBank